Why use Professional Clinical Wills?

Whether your professional body requires it or not, having arrangements in place, should anything unexpected happen to you, ought to be considered a professional responsibility in the same way you maintain confidentiality and hold the therapeutic boundaries. If you cannot work tomorrow who would know how to contact your clients? Who would know where your confidential records are stored? Who would be able to close your directory adverts or social media?

The arrangements you put in place for your professional clinical will are to support your loved ones at a time of exceptional stress and possibly grief. You nominate a Clinical Will Initiator, they do not need to be a counsellor or psychotherapist, they just need to be someone close to you that would know if you could no longer work. Their role is to simply contact Professional Clinical Wills and we would take care of the rest. Professional Clinical Wills would know what you want to happen to your practice because we have discussed your wishes in detail and we will set to making that happen.

Your professional clinical will also provides continuation of care for your clients. As mental health practitioners we work in the service of care and support. If we do not turn up to a session a client may feel abandoned, feel it is something they have done, or reinforce a negative belief about themselves. Although the news may be difficult to hear it would be better for the client to be informed from another practitioner what has happened to their counsellor or psychotherapist rather than left wondering. We would also work with the client if they would like to continue sessions. We will find an alternative practitioner, either from practitioners you have recommended, or through other means.

We spend a great deal of time and consideration setting up our private practices, why would you not put the same consideration into closing it down?

Get in touch

Please contact us if you have any questions about how professional clinical wills work, or to arrange a free initial meeting. You can also phone 07591662721 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to us first.

All enquires are answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.

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